Saturday, May 9, 2009


WHO AM I !!!!

Today.. I
mean tonight at youth service...........9.5.09 about 9pm................
Pastor FAn(internatio
nal speaker ): "Today our title is WHO AM I" I was shock!!!

Oh Not....

This question in my mind since join nursing.
Pastor F
An share few scripture and share his son testimonial...

IF u w
ant Pastor Fan secret believe in GOD and be faith..........

tor FAn: What is this...

Us: RM100 ringgit

Pastor Fan: Who believe i will give u... Put up your hand..
He really gi
ve out the money 2 my friend.......

The secret tat he share will us is
every day look at the mirror and say

"I AM child of GOD.I will be the first not d Last.++++++."

For me:I AM child of God. I will be a good NURSE!

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