Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I almost fall down just now...

Finish mine 1st paper of exam.... Then, while i was walking I almost fall.. Tat minute i really very scare... If tat minute i fall, is high chance for me to injury mine left knee... Which still in d process of recovery...

God, THANK GOD.. I didnt fall.. I feel something holding my ankle which prevent me frm d fall..

There still a long journey for me to walk.. I also not yet get Bf.. haha.. Just a joke..

May god protect me all d time..

God is God all d time.. All the time God is Good....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take A Break!!!!

Take a Break!! Let me tell the HOT NEW!!!!

My pastor GTLim go bald hair.."Go Bald Project” in Kuching!!!

就要开始剃了,与支持者最后合照。。。About to begin shaving, final group photo with supporters.

Those who wear purple shirt is mine church member at Kuching.

楼下、楼上都挤满教会弟兄姐妹。。。Upstairs, downstairs all packed with church brothers and sisters…

全场最有压力的理发师就是这位年轻人,因我的头若有什么三长两短,千多位支持者都会跳上台上来。。。哈哈。。。The most under pressure hair-dresser of the event, because should anything go wrong with Pastor head, the more than a thousand supporters would jump up the stage…haha…

过程中也有一些挺恐怖的画面,有些人说看到感动得想哭了。。。There were some scary moments during the process, some said they were almost moved to tears watching…
大家抢着拍难得一见的样貌。。。Everyone scrambling to take a picture of Pastor rare look…

大功告成!A job well done!

This week is revision week... Everyday average only sleep for few hours. This semester I really want to have break thought.. Tat why, I study hard and smart.. Of course, I need HIM to give me wisdom..

You always beside me...

Today, introduce mine pastor to u.. He did a decision really make me shock..

Friday, May 14, 2010

Last 2 day posting..

Pic of me with mine church friends went 2 camp 4days 3 night.. I really miss them.. Some of them did bring them toy..
I am hungry, where is d food..

Next week is revision week!!!!!

A bit nervous.. Bec 2 more weeks i will be facing semester 4 final exam...

Is time to FLIGHT ..

This semester i really want to had a break through..

Mine target is above 3.4!!! Nice number right..

Conclusion is need 2 study smart + (not by myself but with God wisdom) pray..

The fear of the LORD,is d beginning of knowledge,but fools despite wisdom&discipline. Prov 1:7

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lack of sleep linked to early death??

LONDON (AFP) – People who get less than six hours sleep per night have an increased risk of dying prematurely, researchers said on Wednesday.

Those who slumbered for less than that amount of time were 12 percent more likely to die early, though researchers also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours and premature death.

"If you sleep little, you can develop diabetes, obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol," Francesco Cappuccio, who led research on the subject at Britain's University of Warwick, told AFP.

The study, conducted with the Federico II University in Naples, Italy, aggregated decade-long studies from around the world involving more than 1.3 million people and found "unequivocal evidence of the direct link" between lack of sleep and premature death.

"We think that the relation between little sleep and illness is due to a series of hormonal and metabolical mechanisms," Cappuccio said.

The findings of the study were published in the Sleep journal.

Cappuccio believes the duration of sleep is a public health issue and should be considered as a behavioural risk factor by doctors.

"Society pushes us to sleep less and less," Cappuccio said, adding that about 20 percent of the population in the United States and Britain sleeps less than five hours.

Sleeping less than six hours is "more common amongst full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours and more shift work"

The study also found a link between sleeping more than nine hours per night and premature death, but Cappuccio said oversleeping is more likely to be an effect of illness, rather than a cause.

Research showed no adverse effects for those sleeping between six and eight hours per day.

Sleep Journal(more result CLick this)

A relationship

What does it mean By a relationship??

It is a must Yr 1st will become Yr LAST!!

I had prayed!! I alwys tell God>. I dont want to be like tat.. It was bec i am scare.

Do i want now!! I dont think so.. But,$&47545...

God i surrender it onto yr hand..

Next week are mine last week posting at Med/Sur B..Then, i will have to face exam..

During this pray and fasting period I set a few target to break through..

1)Have a good result.
and so on.........

Something, i did regret tat i come to Sime darby college.. I didnt enjoy d college life.. It was totally difference from mine imagination.

Another word, If i didnt come to this college i wouldnt knew Pat them..Plus i wouldnt go To GA611..
I wouldnt be wht I am Now..

Likewise, a person should not always hold on to the past.. Past is d history...
There still a journey for me to complete..

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Went 2 shopping!!! 1st pic (lunch) : Rice Cheese + seafood & salmon
2nd pic : Chocolate Bun

Ah pat!! She Look so cute right..
Haha.. Another word, photographer had a good skill!!

After,tat incident (leg injury) I really appreciate mine live. Live of a normal people.

A day memories!!!

When to primary school last Friday!! I really enjoy myself with mine coursemate. Tat time, i asked those kid what is yr ambition. 3 out of 4 want to become a teacher.How pure is their heart..

I love kids.

Do U??

Come to me, all u who are weary and burdened, and i will give u rest..

sexy girlssss

sexy girlssss